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Sweet Potato Black Bean Enchiladas recipe served on plate.
Hannah Sunderani (@twospoons.ca)

Sweet Potato Black Bean Enchiladas

This dish is so fiery and comforting. Made with black beans and sweet potato, rolled in whole-wheat flour tortillas and smothered in scrumptious homemade enchilada sauce. Then drizzled with a refreshing vegan avocado-lime crema.

Vegan Vanilla Cake With Strawberry Jam
Nico & Louise (@theplantbasedschool)

Vegan Vanilla Cake With Strawberry Jam

This easy vegan vanilla cake is filled with a delicious homemade strawberry jam and topped with a layer of vegan whipped cream. It’s the perfect treat for a summer picnic with your friends and family. They’ll love it!

Vegan Pandan Crepes with Sweet Coconut recipe served in a bowl.
Moon (@foodpassionical)

Vegan Pandan Crepes with Sweet Coconut

This tasty kue Ketayap is stuffed with sweetened coconut filling. It’s shaped like small pillows and tightened with pandan leaves. Perfect for tea time!

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Good Old Vegan inspires you to discover tasty vegan food! Plant-based cuisine is delicious and the benefits are endless. Not only are plants the more ethical option, choosing vegan also leaves a smaller footprint on our planet!

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